Why you should learn CPR today

CPR is short for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It’s a technique that keeps air and blood circulating in a person’s body after his or her heart has stopped. Essentially, what CPR does is buy time. It keeps tissues in the body alive until the heart regains function or until medical personnel can take steps to restart a person’s heart.

Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death. But this is avoidable. Many people can be saved if someone with appropriate training can quickly intervene. The survival rate for cardiac arrest depends in large part on how quickly a person can receive intervention or medical attention. With CPR training and passing a CPR exam, if you find yourself in a medical emergency, you know what to do until someone with more advanced training can take over.

Most importantly, learning CPR gives you confidence and control. This training helps you rest assured that you can handle a challenging situation with skill until the person can receive care from a medical professional. Because it’s so important that individuals in cardiac arrest receive fast intervention, citizens often find themselves on the front lines, helping others around them when emergency strikes.

Training covers some of the most important questions you might have about what to do when a person is in cardiac arrest. You learn how to asses a scene for safety as well as how to check to see if a person is breathing. You learn how to give a chest compression correctly and how often to give breaths. You also learn the technique for giving breaths.

If you’re wary about performing CPR with breaths, most training today includes hands-only CPR training. This option is available so that more people can learn and perform CPR with confidence in any situation. Training typically utilizes video or live demonstrations to illustrate techniques so that you can learn everything you need to pass your CPR exam.

Sometimes, CPR training is part of more comprehensive first-aid training. Your course might also include how to use an AED (automated external defibrillator). During your course, your instructor helps you learn the material in an engaging and supportive way. Helpful instructors answer questions and offer tips and suggestions to make your training worthwhile and sharpen your skills.
Learning CPR helps you become more safety conscious. Employers often value this training highly, so you may have an advantage in securing employment. With confident knowledge of CPR, you might save someone’s life, regardless of the industry you work in.

Our online CPR courses are a great way to learn basic lifesaving skills from the comfort of your own home.

John Furst

JOHN FURST is an experienced emergency medical technician and qualified first aid & CPR instructor. John is passionate about first aid and believes everyone should have the skills and confidence to take action in an emergency situation.

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